Posts Tagged 'Summer Adventures'

End of the Summer Adventures

Wrapping up your trip abroad? Not ready to hit the books? If you’ve got some money saved up, here are a few fun adventures to consider before diving back into the school year.

No Telling What You'll Encounter Abroad

No Telling What You'll Encounter Abroad

Climb Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Intimidated by Mount Everest? You’re not the only one. A better bet- climb Kilimanjaro! Take the less traveled Western Breach route, a challenging path up Africa’s loftiest peak. On your way to the summit, check out the Barranco Valley’s waterfalls, near the Arrow Glacier, and the rocky ridgelines. After the summit, don’t miss wildlife in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti National Park.

Lake Baikal, Russia

Need a break from the hassle of everyday life? Seclude yourself in Russia’s Lake Baikal. Situated in southeast Siberia, this World Heritage site is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest lake in the world. Like the Galapagos, it’s isolation helped it evolve into a unique freshwater ecosystem. Hike along the lakeshores; pass through old fishing villages; traverse craggy mountains; and keep an eye out for unusual species like the nerpa, an endemic freshwater seal.

Pyrenees National Park

Pyrenees National Park

Pyrenees National Park, France & Spain

The French-run Pyrenees National Park stretches 60 miles along the French-Spanish border, covering 180 square miles of lakes, towering summits, rolling hills, and fertile valleys. The park is composed of two regions. The uninhabited central zone offers some of the park’s most spectacular landscapes. The peripheral zone, on the edge of the central area, houses 86 villages and some 40,000 inhabitants. During the summer you can trek, cycle, horseback, and raft. The weather will accommodate all adventure activities.

Italian Alps, Italy & Germany

Get out your road bike and hit the Alps! Experience the blend of Italian and German cultures as you cruise along the Adige River and the western Dolomites.  Pass the famous Strada del Vino, stop in tiny villages, take a detour for wine tastings or a visit to medieval Lazise. Looking for a tour? Check out Ciclismo Classico.

Summer Adventures: Sailing Around the World

Hit the open sea this summer! Whether it’s kayaking, yacht cruising, sailing, or wind surfing there’s no better way to spend a summer break than enjoying the water. Studying Abroad? Take a break from land-based activities for a few days. Here are some places that offer unforgettable experiences away from land.


Sail Along the Miki Canal

Sail Along Greece's Miki Canal

It’s Greece, need we say more?  When you’re not sunbathing on the beach,  explore this magical country by sea! Broaden your horizons and visit the islands that make up one-fifth of the country.  Explore the Saronic Gulf.  Check out the island of Aegina, a short sail from Athens. Trek to the ancient Temple of Aphaia high on a hill to the northeast to catch some of the most unforgettable sunset views. Spice it up Italian style and visit Naplion, an old Venetian town further north in the Saronic Gulf. You’ll also find the island of Spetsae, which is surrounded by small boatyards where they still build traditional wooden fishing crafts. Another option- sail the Turkish coast. Your best bet is to sail in May, early June, or September. Find more sailing options here.

New Zealand

Let the wind guide you along New Zealand’s beautiful coastline. Check out the old whaling town of Russell, a short sail from Auckland. Visit the museum and the church, which is the oldest in the country. Across the water lies Waitangi, New Zealand’s most important historical site. The Treaty House and Maori meeting house are both national monuments. Another can’t miss- The Bay of Islands offers everything from uninhabited islands to small coves and steep hills. Sail around Cape Brett to Whangamumu Harbor, which operated as a whaling station until the 1930s. By the way, New Zealand is the only destination in the world where you can set sail in the morning and ski in the afternoon!


Relax Along Scotland's West Coast

Relax Along Scotland's West Coast

As fun as it is to explore the historic locales of Scotland, the Scottish coast is big on water sports. Pick your poison- go wreck diving, kayaking, sailing, take in scenic views, or discover an unspoiled underwater environment.  What lurks underwater? You’ll find colorful anemones, soft corals, kelp forests, crustacea, pelagic and demersal fish, seals, dolphins, and an occasional whale or basking shark. Sounds cool!  Did you know Scotland is also one of Europe’s top destinations for windsurfing and waterskiing?  Introduce yourself to another side of the Scottish landscape!

Our advice? When you tire of land exploration, see what the sea has to offer! It will no doubt be a memorable- and original experience.

Here are a few other sites to check out:

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